Go Red for Women

      Go RED for Women of the American Heart Association is the platform for the International Pageant System and I am proud to be able to promote such a wonderful cause! Even though each of the International Pageant contestants may work tirelessly to promote their individual causes, we all have a "heart" for this particular organization, and will not rest until we have done our part to share the message of wellness to as many women as might cross our paths.
      I feel particularly lucky to be able to combine my personal platform with that of Go RED. As more and more research is produced and publicized, the growing message is the fact that our medical and emotional health are very closely linked. They can work symbiotically together to make us feel great, but if each are not taken care of properly, they can have powerful negative effects on one another. Emotional stress can trigger many physical symptoms, including difficulties with our heart; and physical symptoms can cause many difficulties in emotional wellbeing that can make simple everyday tasks near to impossible.
       In my opinion, with Go RED and mental health advocacy combined, we can make a much stronger impact on overall wellness. Go RED fights the stigma of the everyday woman ignoring the physical symptoms that can lead to heart attack and stroke, while mental health fights the same stigma of disorders going undetected for a lifetime -- when it is something as easily treatable as heart and cardiovascular ills are preventable.
       Take the time to review the information you can find at www.goredforwomen.org and share what you learn with someone you care about. You may not think it is something to worry about today, but we never know what tomorrow holds for those who are near and dear to us. Sometimes our eyes are not openned until tragedy, or near tragedy, threatens those most important in our lives. As a personal story always makes an impact and prompts action, read the story of my close friend who underwent open-heart surgery only three months ago (click here). I'm so glad that she is still here with me and will fuel my passion to educate even more women like the two of us.

Wear Red Day February 6, 2012
My Friends at Egyptian Health Department
supporting Go Red for Women.

My afternoon was dedicated to signing up
people for heart health information from Go Red for Women!

Definitely Go Red supporters! Here are 3 of the 35 sign-ups today.
Thanks Eme, Brett, and Heidi!