Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Supporting the Emotional Health of You and Your Family After a Heart Attack/Stroke Happens

Go Red for Women by the American Heart Association does an excellent job promoting the signs and symptoms of an impending heart attack or stroke in women, and every year I enjoy helping to share that information. Go Red Day this year will be on February 1st and I always look forward to choosing that perfect red clothing item to sport all day long!

This year though, I have a particular issue about women's heart health that has continued to get my attention, and I'd like to take some time to shed some light on it. At the Mrs. International Pageant in July 2012, a very brave woman spoke at our orientation meeting, telling us not only about her heart attack experience, but also how it affected her and her family emotionally after she was in recovery. She described the difficult time that they all had dealing with the traumatic event of her heart attack because the fear of losing a mom and a wife just doesn't go away with recovery -- it's something that sticks with a family and increases the stress a family has about normal every day activities.

Of course being a family mental health advocate, this really made an impact on me, and I realized that not enough emphasis has been put on helping a family deal with the emotions of recovery. Families go through trauma when a heart attack or stroke strikes a loved female in the family. Trauma does not go away just because the person's medical condition gets better -- the fear and anxiety stick with you and can be a debilitating cloud hovering over everything. But not only are we talking about mental recovery from trauma, but also from the number of medicines that were pumped into the body in order to save a life. Withdrawal from anesthetics or pain medication can bring a host of emotional troubles including crying spells/depression, angry outbursts, and social withdrawal -- not to mention the number of ongoing prescriptions that are required for heart recovery with the side effects that they weild.

I do know that SAMHSA has created some initiatives that address this very concern, so it gives me hope that this is a growing issue of concern in the field of mental health. If you are looking for specific information about mental recovery after a heart attack or stroke, I really like the hearthealthywomen.org site. Even though I do my part in trying to share information to prevent heart attack and stroke in women, I believe now that it is equally as important to provide support to those in recovery -- not just celebrating recovery, but understanding the emotional depth of it too.

Have a great day of celebration on Friday and wear your red proudly for prevention AND recovery in women's heart health.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Planning for Awareness Activities -- NCMHAD 2013

At the PACE (Parents And Caregivers Empowered) meeting on Thursday, January 24th, I had the priviledge of facilitating a discussion with almost 100 parents and youth about what we as family members want to do to make our communities aware of the importance of children's mental health. SAMHSA has declared May 9th as the designated National Children's Mental Health Awareness Day for 2013, and we want to be ready to make an impact!
We had lots of great ideas and volunteers to specifically step-up and take leadership roles for things like coordinating poster contests, coloring contests, mayor proclamations, food donations for a "block party" event, and even more ways to involve as many community members as possible. At the end of the planning session there was a sense of excitement and a feeling of unity because we all have a common goal of educating others and creating awareness of the real facts about mental health and our families.

Following that discussion, my very good friend, April Scales, introduced a new campaign idea to us parents that she feels very passionate about and that we would like to see develop in our communities. The campaign is called "OUCH!" and is a concept from Leslie Aguilar's "Ouch! That Stereotype Hurts!" The Ouch Campaign follows the simple principle of standing up for others that may not be able to stand up for themselves when they are ridiculed, demeaned, or discriminated against. When you hear somebody say something that is offensive, and you're pretty sure that someone in the room probably felt the sting of those words -- all you have to do is say "Ouch." Sometimes, people don't know that they are hurting others with their words and just need some simple re-directing of their word choices. Or, if someone is intentionally being hurtful, then the person who is the target needs a friend to stand up and say 'I have your back, and what that person said is not ok.' "Ouch" becomes a simple way to change stigmatized messages and lift others up that may have frequently been the victim of judgement or ridicule.

With the rampant spread of awareness about bullying, it has become everyone's responsibility to not let classmates, coworkers, neighbors, or even family members target others and make them feel badly about themselves. I love the idea of the "Ouch" Campaign and I will be doing everything that I can to help my friend April establish the message in our communities. It applies so strongly to mental health and so many other things too. If you have additional ideas about sharing the message of "Ouch!"-- we would love to hear it! Just leave a comment or email me at greenribbonadvocate@gmail.com or April at ascales@egyptian.org

Friday, January 18, 2013

What's the future of children's mental health?

As the dabate continues about gun control after the Newtown tragedy, mental health is interwoven in all the discussions... As it should be! But of course, everyone has a different idea of what that mental health discussion should be, and who knows what actual interventions will be implemented and followed through to longterm sustainability. Knowing that President Obama would be addressing gun control and mental health, my colleagues and I have been anticipating just how this is all going to take place and how receptive that our nation will be -- which is a conversation we were already having about our own small community we continue to serve.

I became very excited about the possibilities for change in our nation when Sandra Spencer, Executive Director of the National Federation of Families, informed us that she had been invited to join the conversation at the White House regarding the recommendations that Vice President Biden would be providing President Obama about gun control initiatives. Upon leaving the meeting, she prepared a video to inform Federation members about her role in the meeting and what she hoped would be a huge step in a positive direction to help America understand the position of families and caregivers already addressing mental health challenges -- and in effect why the feelings they have are the same as caregivers that are not seeking treatment for fear of social ridicule and judgment. See the video below to hear her address to Federation members.

As I listened to Sandra's words, I was inspired by how well she captured the depth of what America needs to know in order to understand the importance of children's mental health diagnosis and treatment along with unstigmatized support from a family's community at large. When I talked to Sandra individually to applaud her job well done and to express how moving I felt her address to the Federation members was, she shared additional information about being asked back to the White House to continue the conversation after the President's Press Conference on Wednesday, January 16th. She expressed her excitement as to being able to give more information for prompting action to celebrate the upcoming children's mental health awareness day and promoting the identification of the green ribbon in support!
One of the most infuriating and sad things about our world today is that it takes a tragedy like Sandy Hook in order to call attention to something that should have been addressed a long time ago anyway! But as I look at the details surrounding this event, a close friend of mine brought to my attention that the school colors of Sandy Hook just happened to be green and white. A call of rememberance was made for everyone to wear green in honor of those lost on the Monday following the shooting. For me, I believe this adds a whole new level of possible response for the green ribbon in support of children's mental health. I feel that the tragedy at Newtown has given all dedicated green ribbon advocates an additional push of motivation to share the message of awareness this May.
In the official statement released from the White House after the Presiden't Press Conference on Wednesday morning (see the document by clicking here) President Obama says, "We are going to need to work on making access to mental health care as easy as access to a gun." I definitely second that!  What remains to be seen however, is whether or not America will follow suit and agree about the protection of our children and that it includes both gun control and mental health awareness and services for all.
 I'm hoping for the best possible future for children's mental health and that public awareness and acceptance changes dramatically over the next year. I'll say it over and over again in the months to come...I'm a green ribbon advocate for many, many reasons. How about you?

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

2012 Illinois Snow Angel Pageant

I am so thankful to once again have been part of the Illinois Snow Angel Pageant! In it's third year now, there are more and more young ladies participating that want an opportunity to be a platform voice for the Illinois Baptist Children's Home Ministry of Angel's Cove Maternity Center. Contestants enter this pageant knowing that winning means work, so their hearts have to be focused on the cause. That's what makes the Illinois Snow Angel Pageant so great and when I get the invitation to emcee, my schedule is automatically cleared.

When the winners of this pageant start the journey of their reign, they come to understand the important service that Angel's Cove provides. As their website explains, "Angels' Cove provides residential care for minors and those over 18. Whether a young mother chooses to parent or to form an adoption plan for her child, Angels' Cove staff are there to assist with counseling, networking with community resources, prenatal care, parenting classes and other services. Birth mothers who choose adoption not only have input into the openness of the adoption but also choose the adoptive couple for their child.
Birth mothers forming an adoption plan can also be served within their own homes throughout Illinois." 

The group of Snow Angel titleholders continues to grow as a few new titles were added in addition to the previous ones. Along with the Miss, Teen, and Littlest Snow Angels, the Junior and Pre-teen categories are boasting some fabulous new winners!
Miss - Jessica Dillow
Teen - Alaina Katherine Pinnon
Preteen - Lauren Campbell
Junior Miss - Tori Dollins
Littlest - Jenna DeWitt 
See the winners pictured here with their most excellent pageant directors, Lindsay Zeschke & Jenna Harner (L to R).
You can also see more pictures from the event on the Illinois Snow Angel Pageant Facebook Page or by following this link to my photo album.

The continued success of this pageant is amazing. This year the pageant raised a total of $3061.08 which will help to support the Angel's Cove Ministry beyond it's usual donations! I can't wait to see what the next year brings. God has great plans for this entire group!

I also want to thank the outgoing Snow Angel Queens from 2011 -- Samantha Steely, Jenna Doerr, and Addison Nagel. They and their families donated their time to also help me advocate for children's mental health and they were lovely and passionate Green Queens! You all are always welcome in the Green Queen family because we have plenty of work to do to educate our communities. You three are very special young ladies to me. I am blessed to have the opportunity to know you all!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Teaming Up to Battle Stigma

In 2010, Angie Hampton, CEO of Egyptian Health Department, offered me the opportunity of a lifetime -- the chance to battle the stigma of mental health as an employee of Project Connect at EHD. However, she was really the one who was taking a chance in offering a Social Marketing Coordinator position to someone who had no formal education in marketing. Luckily for me, she had been observing my faithful work to educate the community and my publicity during 2009 when I was Mrs. Illinois International. Angie, who is passionate in her work to a truly admirable level, recognized that I had passion as well, and intended to have me on a team that would make a difference in our communities -- I am so grateful she believed in me.

2009 - Eddie & Me
When I think back to how many skills I developed during 2009, and how many people I met who changed my life forever, I can't help but to appreciate what pageantry gave me, how it improves my life continually, and to this day, helps me change other lives as well. And here's where the story intertwines with another person that means a great deal to me. In 2009 when I was at the Mrs. International Pageant, I met a man by the name of Eddie Peterson who was the director of the California International Pageant. I had looked forward to meeting him because we had something in common -- we were both psychotherapists, not something common to the pageant population. Eddie shared with the contestants that year something he was developing called "You Don't Know My Life," and it was then that I knew I had a forever ally in educating others about mental health and battling the stigma that surrounded it.

When I made the trip back to the Mrs. International Pageant this past July as Mrs. Midwest 2012, I looked forward the most to seeing Eddie again and feeling that spirit of empowerment that comes so naturally to him. As I believe that God is orchestrating a plan we are most times unaware of, I listened to him tell more about his foundation and how "You Don't Know My Life" is continuing to grow -- and a feeling began to overwhelm me about Eddie's ability to reach out to audiences of all types. I knew then that I wanted him to come to Southeastern Illinois to make an impact with his story, his therapy skills, and just the magic that he seems to leave behind everywhere that he goes.

My coworkers & friends from PC
When I returned home after the pageant and talked with the core Project Connect Team, they were completely on board with bringing Eddie here to help us battle the stigma that keeps families from seeking treatment, and empower them with the message of not being judged by others because they don't walk in your shoes everyday. We decided to create 3 different workshops for people of our community while he was here -- one for child & family serving professionals, one for parents, and one for youth.

Continuing to be great friends & colleagues!
I can't express how happy I was to have Eddie here in Illinois helping Project Connect with our mission to share information about mental health and increase the number of families receiving support. Altogether, 160 people participated in our three events with absolutely glowing reviews about Eddie and his message. The most common thing I was asked was "When is he coming back again?" His visit here once again made me appreciate the melding of my job, mission, passion, and friendships with that of my pageantry experience and I love being able to expose others to the positives that can be found there.

If you are in need of a great motivational speaker that will empower you and help you to keep an open mind about life, Eddie Peterson should be the only person to consider! If motivational speaking doesn't fit your need, don't tune out just yet, because Eddie is such a talented therapist and presenter, I'm sure that he has the right fit for your organization's needs. All you need is to just talk with him once and you'll feel the power he has been blessed with.

In sum, I am thankful for the people who are by my side in the journey of mental health education. Angie, Eddie, the Project Connect Team, and most importantly my family, who also pitched in to make the events with Eddie the best they could be. So give a big cheer with me...Go Team Anti-Stigma!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Today is World Mental Health Day

I blog for World Mental Health DayWorld Mental Health Day... now there's a thought, huh? In other words, mental health challenges are a global issue -- imagine that! And, why not, when statistics prove that 1 in 5 people have a diagnosable mental illness at some point in their lifetime. This year, the World Mental Health Day Project was an education campaign created by the World Federation for Mental Health. The Project is entitled "Depression: A Global Crisis" and you can read the full pdf by clicking here. I think that the story behind the development of this day is important too and you can read about it's inception 20 years ago by checking out the WFMH Facebook page.

Of course I am always in support of specific diagnosis awareness, but as most of you know, I have a preference for promoting the elimination of stigma that surrounds mental health diagnosis and treatment. Why? Because I still run into people everyday that believe mental health disorders to be hooey mumbo jumbo, because they believe anyone can decide to pull themselves up and not be mentally ill anymore! WHAT!?!?! And that's all because of a lack of mental health education along with a culture that shuns those who are afflicted.

How do I know it's not mumbo jumbo? Just today, as I was floating down the river of Twitter information from my favorite mental health organizations (check out who I follow) I ran across two articles that drive this point home. One was titled "Gene tied to Obesity, Depression, ADHD" and the other was called "New de novo Genetic Mutations in Schizophrenia Identified." (click titles to read the articles) Just the titles without the articles scream genetic markers, not just 'pull yourself up by your bootstraps' behaviors. Yet, how much proof does our society need?

Even though I could ramble incessantly about this point, I will refrain and just finish with these thoughts:  Change starts with you. Acceptance starts with you. You influence others.

"Be the change you want to see in the world." -- Mahatma Gandhi

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Now offering On-line counseling services!

Contact me through Medovin.com, a secure and confidential connection online, for available counseling sessions on Wednesdays and Fridays.
MEDOVIN.COM Video Profile of Kristin Melton

Monday, September 10, 2012

Early Childhood Educators & Their Role with CMH

Having the opportunity to speak with the Southern Illinois Association for the Education of Young Children opened a great deal of communication as to what role an early childhood educator fills when it comes to children's mental health. A lot of people would automatically say that the role could simply be defined as the first gateway toward a child or family receiving mental health services -- but I think it is much more than that.

Not only is it possibly the first place to gain a referral, but it also could be the first place to become exposed to the "feeling" of what a mental health referral is. To clarify, I'm talking about whether or not the presentation of the referral prompts the family to feel positively about the intervention, or shamed and stigma laden about having to seek mental health services. Just for arguments sake, which way would you want your child's preschool teacher to approach you about a mental health referral? A or B?

A. Your child is having some difficulty fitting in with the other children. His behaviors don't allow him the ability to play for any length of time without causing the other children to walk away. He has a temper/anger problem that we believe needs to be evaluated by a mental health professional. Would you like to talk with the social worker that we have on staff?
B. As your child's preschool teacher, it's my job to help identify possible barriers to your child's academic and social success. Mental health care is significantly important when it comes to school and I think it's important that we consider consulting with the social worker/counselor to make sure that we are providing him every opportunity to succeed. Would you like for me to assist you in meeting with them?

The difference is clear -- one is a labeling and accusing statement without support (your child is bad and what are you doing as a parent?) and the other is a supportive, non-blaming collaboration to making sure that all children have an equal chance to succeed. Not only would it be received better by a caregiver, but choice B is also more comfortable for the pre-school teacher.

Officers of the SIAEYC...great new Green Ribbon Advocates!
In order to reduce the stigma of mental health and make it an acceptable part of growth and development, we have to start at a very young age. The introduction of services to caregivers is a very important part of this process. The SIAEYC members were so supportive of this idea and their excitement regarding their role in this process was an inspiration for me. No one wants to feel labeled or judged and remembering to treat others as we would want to be treated is the key to acceptance. Thank you SIAEYC for being a great group of caring providers. You're an admirable group!
I was also fortunate to have a co-presenter at the event, Brittany Smith from the Children's Mental Health Network! She gave the SIAEYC great information about the Network and then told them about the White Board campaign. It's always fantastic when I get to be around Brittany and feel her energy about sharing mental health advocacy. We both appreciate the interest in the White Board Campaign and those who got their photo taken for the campaign wall. Check out those photos here
 If you are in the early childhood field and would like to learn more about mental health services for children ages birth to 5, please feel free to contact me about information and resources.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Every question has a story...

The Children's Mental Health Network Whiteboard Campaign is a great way to promote awareness and advocacy for children's mental health. The CMH Network is trying to collect photos of 100,000 people asking a question about a children's mental health issue. I love the idea and it's social marketing at it's best! Everywhere I go I'm asking people to participate as you can see by my posts on my Mrs. Midwest International blog.
The Network and I believe that every question has a story behind it and I would like to share mine.

The Story Behind Kristin's Quesion from Children's Mental Health Network on Vimeo.

If you would like to share a question, we would love to have it! Visit the Children's Mental Health Network website Whiteboard Campaign page and find all the information you need in order to submit your question. We will be waiting to hear from you!

Friday, July 13, 2012


Friday update – 7-13-12
Greetings faithful readers. It has been a busy week for the Network, and no, we ain't afraid of no Triskaidekaphobia. From what we have been told, the only way to cure this psychiatric condition is to read "Friday Update" and rock out to The Cure - Cuz it's "Friday I'm in love." So sit back, turn the speaker volume up to 8, take in the aroma of your morning blend and enjoy the offerings posted to the website this week.

Dewey beats Truman! Or in this case, Obamacare loses
The New Yorker has posted an amusing collection of magazine covers that were produced before the Supreme Court ruling on the Affordable Care Act. Details here.
There is a storm coming and it is called sequestration
Last year, Congress enacted the Budget Control Act (BCA) as part of a compromise over raising the debt ceiling. If the bi-partisan committee appointed to carry out the BCA and develop a deficit reduction plan is unable to come to agreement, sequestration kicks in January 2013. Under sequestration, an amount of money equal to the difference between the cap set in the Budget Resolution and the amount actually appropriated is "sequestered" by the Treasury and not handed over to the agencies to which it was originally appropriated by Congress. While much attention has been paid to potential cuts in defense due to sequestration, the cuts in domestic programs would be equally devastating.
What does this mean for the Network? Stay strong and say to your congressional representatives over and over again - "Enough with the posturing already. Spend the next six months doing the job you gave yourself under the Budget Control Act (BCA) - pass a balanced deficit reduction that avoids the sequester." Funding for children's mental health has already taken a hit. We can't afford another one. Network faithful –still got your speakers dialed up to 8? Good. Learn more about sequestration in Morning Zen and get fired up with a little Gnarls Barkley
Whiteboard Campaign for Children's Mental Health!
We are in the midst of shaping the future of children's mental health service delivery, both in the United States and abroad. Debates about the best way to run a country, run a health care system, and support children and families are raging and it can be hard to figure out where children's mental health issues should fit. At the Network we believe that the issue of children's mental health belongs everywhere and that there are opportunities present every day for us to take a stand for children's mental health. Take a stand now by sharing the question you think needs to be asked to improve children's mental health. Your questions will help us collectively imagine and advocate for an improved children's mental health delivery system across the globe. Ask your question now.
Pack your sunscreen – Orlando is calling
Only two more weeks before the Training Institutes! Don't miss the premier conference on children's mental health. There's still time. Plus, there are still a few spots open for the intensive Pre-Institutes. Check it out here.
Good luck Kristin Melton!
Kristin is one of the Networks strongest ambassadors, spreading the word about children's mental health awareness and reducing stigma in communities across the nation and abroad. Kristin competes next week for the title of Mrs. International 2012. Good luck Kristin, the Network will be cheering for you!
$1.0 billion headed to Oregon for health care reform The federal government has formally approved reforms to the Oregon Health Plan as well as $1.9 billion to support them. The Children's Mental Health Network is watching the developments in Oregon with a keen eye on how families who have children with serious emotional challenges will fare under the transformation initiative. Details here.
So what really would happen if states opt out of Medicaid expansion? Who loses? The Washington Post has produced a telling graphic that plainly shows that the "losers" would be the poorest of the American population. If governors opt their states out of the health law's Medicaid expansion — as many are now threatening to do — it's the poorest Americans who would find themselves getting the rawest deal. Read more here.
Important Suicide Prevention webinar coming up
Don't miss the latest webinar being offered by Community Solutions at the University of South Florida with Katherine J. Lazear and Stephen Roggenbaum. The presenters are authors of the Youth Suicide Prevention School-Based Guide. Details here.
HHS plans ACA implementation forums for this summer
The Network was pleased to see that HHS will be hosting Affordable Care Act implementation forums across the country to provide an opportunity for states and stakeholders to learn more about the next steps in implementing the health care law. Details here.
Oh, so that's what a health insurance exchange is…
Hot off the press from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation - great information on how health insurance exchanges can improve quality and aid in system reform. Details here.

What we are reading this weekend:
And be sure not to miss…
Let us know what you need from the Network!
We love feedback so let us know how we can improve the website to better meet your needs. Contact us here.
As always, thank you for your continued support of the Children's Mental Health Network,

Scott Bryant-Comstock
President & CEO

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Georgetown Training Institutes for Improving Children's Mental Health Care

The Georgetown Training Institutes which focus on improving children's mental health care will be held July 25 - 29, 2012 in Orlando, Florida. I'll be there and I can't wait to hear one of the featured speakers scheduled for the Youth Track! And it just goes to show that you never know who you are going to meet that has an uplifiting story about their journey with children's mental health -- this time it's James Durbin. Does that name ring a bell for you?
See the information below posted by my partner organization, the Children's Mental Health Network:

Hey, you know that the Training Institutes has an amazing specialized track for youth leaders, ages 13-22, who are ready to be empowered with the information and skills to change their community, state, and nation, right? Oh man, if you don't, you need to check it out. This is a great opportunity to expand the knowledge and skills of the next generation of children's mental health leaders. And goodness knows, we are going to need them! Share the information and share the love... Oh, and did we mention that James Durbin of American Idol fame will be a featured speaker? Ah man, you know you are coming to the Institutes now!
James Durbin lit the American Idol stage on fire with his powerful performances, and now the Season 10 alum is setting the music world aflame with his debut music video and album “Memories of a Beautiful Disaster.” As a youth, James was diagnosed with both Tourette’s and Aspurger’s Syndromes. Affected by these conditions and by his father’s death of a drug overdose, his talent has helped him overcome the obstacles that he faces day by day. Overall, Memories of Beautiful Disaster is an audio document of Durbin's life as he's lived it. "I am looking back on my life. Parts were disastrous, and there are some things I wished never happened. But I can look back and appreciate things that I once considered disasters as things of beauty. They make me who I am today. I'd never go back and change anything." With that attitude, and the fact that he set the table for his career thanks to American Idol, Durbin has all the necessary tools to fulfill his mission of bring back the rock! He is now ready to step on his own stage and is ready for his fans to stand with him. Even though his talent has led him to where he is now, his challenges have also played a part, and he has become a role model for American youth with challenges of any kind.                                     (from the Children's Mental Health Network Website)

Friday, June 1, 2012

Children's Mental Health Network Spokesperson Announcement

In the Children's Mental Health Network Friday Update Email today, it was announced that I will be promoting the Network as their Spokesperson! I am very excited to have this opportunity to reach more and more people about the importance of diagnosis, treatment, and support for children with mental health challenges. If you would like to receive the Friday Update Email each week, you can sign up on their website at http://www.cmhnetwork.org/sign-up and I highly recommend it, as they cover a wealth of topics for everyone in regards to mental health. As stated in their announcement below, you can also find a page on their website to request me as a featured speaker at your upcoming event http://www.cmhnetwork.org/speaking-engagements. The text below is only a snippit of the entire Friday Update, so be sure to visit the website!

As to Scott Bryant-Comstock, President & CEO of CMH Network, and Brittany Smith, Director of Community Management for CMH Network, I can't thank you both enough for all of the support and friendship you have provided me. The picture to the right is of Brittany and me at the Be a Green Queen Event, when she came all the way from Portland, Oregon, to Norris City, Illinois, to provide support for the event from the Network! I definitely can tell you it is a huge honor to be able to help promote this incredible organization with the most incredible people at my side!


Friday update – 6-1-12

Greetings faithful readers. Here is what's new on the Children's Mental Health Network website. We are knee deep in planning for the future this week and are excited about the possibilities ahead. In the words of Alan Kay – "The best way to predict the future is to invent it.” So grab a skinny latte, settle in and imagine the possibilities with the entries below.

Kristin Melton goes for the title!This July, Kristin Melton will compete for the title of Mrs. International 2012 in Chicago. She will promote the Network as our Spokesperson with the goal of creating interest in children's mental health awareness, sharing information about our work, and promoting our mission. Kristin is eager to engage in advocacy events everywhere, and is available as a featured speaker. Would you like to have Kristin Melton as a guest speaker at your next event? Let us know! Good luck Kristin and thanks for being an ambassador for children's mental health.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

How can we help children with bullying prevention?

As a parent, I think it is a pretty tough issue to deal with! I don't know about you, but if my children are hurting, my momma bear instinct kicks in rather quickly and I'll do anything to make sure they are safe and protected. However, that doesn't mean that I always know what to do when those situations come up. That's especially true when my emotions get in the way.

I've been provisionally certified as an Olweus Bullying Prevention Program Trainer for almost a year now, but that doesn't mean that I have all of the answers to prevention or safety. What it does mean though is that I have committed to helping communities to recognize what bullying really is and how to feel empowered to intervene in bullying situations. You'd be amazed at how those two things make all the difference in the world even if you don't have the solutions to eliminating it completely.
The elementary and middle schools in Eldorado, Illinois effectively implemented the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program this past school year, and I had the priviledge to be involved with training their bullying prevention committee. I loved being a part of this transformation of their schools and am so impressed with the hard work the staff and students did throughout the year to start making their school grounds into safer places.

With Jim Mayer, creator of IM4Ublog.com
On May 2nd, as a celebration for all of the great work they did, we were able to invite Uncle Jim Mayer to come and perform his bullying prevention education program for students K-8 called IM4U, and they loved it! Don't know who Jim Mayer is? He's definitely worth a google search and so is his IM4U blog. I was so honored to meet a man who is using his huge celebrity status to reach the children of the US. He's personable, he's fun, he cares about kids, and he definitely has my endorsement! Not only did he perform, but he stayed around the schools the remainder of the day and the next morning just to hang around with the students and get to know them. He is truly committed to the cause!

I feel very fortunate to be able to have spent some time talking with Jim. He is a phenomenal person with a admirable goal in helping children everywhere to overcome bullying. He really empathizes with them about how it feels to be a target. He also wrote a song called "Show Me the Light" that was about a girl who took her life as a result of bullying. Here is the video that Jim posted in response to Jonah Mowery which plays the song "Show Me the Light." It's a very powerful and moving video.

Of course, Jim's blog is an excellent source of support for bullying prevention, as is the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program. But, I would like to also share one of the resources that I consistently use for myself and when educating parents. It's from the Child Mind Institute called "How to Arm Your Child Against Bullying" and includes 5 tips for parents about supporting your child.

I highly recommend contacting Jim Mayer through Deb Grisham Entertainment if you are in need of a bullying prevention presentation for your school or organization. You won't be disappointed.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Test your knowledge about mental illness

A great resource from NAMI Queens/Nassau is available to teach others about the stigma surrounding mental illness. I'll be sharing their curriculum "Breaking the Silence - Teaching the Next Generation About Mental Illness" at the Eldorado Middle School for their Eagle Pride Day on Thursday, April 26, 2012. The curriculum is so impressive that I thought  their 10 question quiz regarding general knowledge about mental illness was worth sharing to my blog readers. Use it for yourself or use it with your children so that we can share correct information about mental health diagnosis and treatment.

True or False?

1. Serious mental illness can happen to any family.

2. The suicide rate for people who suffer from mental illness is 10 percent.

3. Psychopath and psychotic mean the same thing.

4. The great majority of people with mental illness are not violent.

5. Abuse of drugs and alcohol may be a way people with mental illness medicate themselves to relieve  their symptoms.

6. Mental illness and mental retardation are the same thing.

7. People with mental illness can really pull themselves together and be normal if they try hard enough.

8. Mental illness strikes one in five people at some point in their lives.

9. Mental illness is a physical illness affecting the brain.

10.  All people with mental illness live in their own world and are out of contact with reality all of the time.

So, how did you do?
Answers: 1T 2T 3F 4T 5T 6F 7F 8T 9T 10F

Social change about mental health views take investment by everyone. How can you and your family commit to helping change how the world sees diagnosis and treatment?

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Fifteen years today...

Today Paul and I celebrate fifteen years of marriage together. The time has flown by and I can still feel as giddy about him sometimes as I did when he first called me in May of 1995. I feel very blessed to be able to say that.

Given that our anniversary is the day after Valentines day, and this year it falls in the middle of the week, it's hard to find time to celebrate between work, children, their sports/school activities, and life in general. In fact, he's off to Omaha, Nebraska for work this morning as I write this! But, he makes so many other days feel just as special...like the message he sent to me not too long ago through Linked In:


Paul Melton has sent you a message.
Date: 11/23/2011
Subject: Job Offer
Dear Kristin,

I would like to extend to you an offer for the position of Wonderful Incredible Fantastic Executive (W.I.F.E.). Based on your experience and education you are overqualified for this position, but I feel I can make an exception in your case. Benefits include 2 kids, a moody husband and tons of responsibilities. I know this sounds like your dream job so before you accept please consider thoroughly. I will be anxiously awaiting your decision.


Paul Melton
Melton & Melton, INC.

Isn't that fabulous...and creative too! I just hope that I also do things that make him feel the same way about me. I guess that's what makes marriages strong. The willingness to want to continually be  respectful to the person you love and in turn also respected by them.

We were able to have a celebration early in January when we took a cruise to the Bahamas and we had a fabulous time together. We rode scooters around Nassau and Key West, relaxed in hammock together on the beach at Coco Cay, did Karaoke for the first time, were chosen to participate in the Love & Marriage game show (which by the way, was an experience I will never forget), and met some of the most fabulous people from all over the US.

Here's to many, many more years of celebrating. 
I love you Paul!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Why share the message of heart health for women? Answer: The chance to save someone you love. Go RED!

As February 1st signals the beginning of American Heart Month, so many across the nation are anticipating the celebration of Wear Red Day on Friday, February 3rd. You can bet I'll be doing my part and volunteering my efforts to share the message, and of course it is motivated by the care that I have for those close to me -- wanting them to know how important it is to pay attention to their
heart health.

Sometimes the mission and efforts of many organizations go without notice to those who have not had the experience of someone close having difficulties -- a very sad idea, but true. However, that's the shining light behind the mission of Go RED for Women, don't wait until it's too late -- learn and be aware before it can happen. As with anything, education is always key. I am happy to have helped promote Go Red for Women through the International Pageant System for several years.

But here's where my interaction with promoting heart health becomes real. 
Meet my good friend Camille. 

Camille and I work together at Egyptian Health Department, and like the other ladies in the office, we enjoy Camille's calm and yet spunky attitude while she dedicates her time to intervening with community crisis calls. Just like the rest of us working and taking care of our families, she felt tired a lot, but was also realizing that she was short of breath very easily with tasks that should not be causing that feeling. Taking charge of her health, she went to her doctor who diagnosed her with mild aortic stenosis. Still taking charge (and thank goodness she did) she pushed her doctor to perform a stress test which then showed a possible blockage. She was scheduled for a heart cath, and when she went we were all very concerned for her and awaited the results. The test showed that she had a 90% blockage in two places of her main artery -- a condition that is termed as "the widow maker"-- as in if she had a heart attack, she would not have made it to the hospital in time to save her life. The next day she was scheduled for an immediate double by-pass.
I am happy to say that this past January 3rd, Camille joined us back at the office. Tragedy averted, but only because she took charge of something that she felt was not right about her body. I hope that I can be like that. Too many times, like many other women, I have too many things to do and don't take care of myself as I should -- again the message of Go RED -- take the time to be sure your heart is healthy because it is not something to dismiss until later. Stress, anxiety, eating on the run, and sacrificing sleep hours to catch up can take a toll on anyone and I definitely fit that part. How about you? How about someone close to you? Take action for yourself or a loved one and share the message of Go Red and the American Heart Association. It's easy to do and here is the link to prove it...

Monday, January 16, 2012

Stigma Stoppers Unite!

          Stigma has just become a “fancy” word for believing negative ideas about something and then discriminating against people for being or having a part of that idea.  So goes the stigma of mental illness. Many people believe that this illness is untreatable and that it renders those afflicted in a way that makes them unproductive and unvaluable to society. But, for those who have mental illness, live with someone with mental illness, or work in the mental health field, we know how untrue those beliefs are, and we are doing our best to change negative ideas.

          Everyday pro-mental health organizations share the message that mental illness is treatable and manageable. Those behind this movement try our best to find the strengths that each and every person has in spite of any illness with which they are labeled. In fact, the strengths a person has can be in direct correlation with the illness — as it has developed in order to compensate for the brain not functioning as needed. And to prove it, think of all of the talented people in our history who are considered the “greats” in the arts or intellectual field. The fact that they also have a diagnosis of depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, or any other disorder means they embraced their strengths and were appreciated for them despite the illness.

          So how do we unite to stop stigma?  It starts with YOU. Yes, you, reading this right now! Changing the social idea about mental illness is an individual choice that belongs to everyone. However, when you show your support, and no fear of mental illness, it creates a chain reaction. All it takes is one person telling a story of their struggle with anxiety, or their child’s story of depression, and on, and on. It’s amazing how contagious it can be and I have seen it in action. YOU are the bridge to unite the work being done all over the world. Can I count on you to help?

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Today Is Policy Day for FFCMH!

Yesterday at the Federation of Families conference, I participated in the Parent Support Provider Institute. There was information given about the progress made on creating a Parent Support Provider certification and also creating an organization to govern and hold the certified members accountable in the profession. So you may ask... What's a Parent Support Provider and why on earth do we need them? And that's a great question because we (all the members of FFCMH) will be educating the public about this.

Parent Support Providers are family members who have been through the complex mental health system trying to get appropiate and best services for their children and families. Because of this experience, they spend their time professionally and personally helping to educate and support other families in getting to services and getting what they need. In my opinion, they are the missing link in mental health services, and they will be the glue that makes services work in the future. As a therapist for families, I see the extreme value in having as many PSPs as possible! In fact, I think I would love to have the certification myself because it will just help to strengthen my ability to serve and the ability to find services and supports for my own family.

Today, however, is POLICY DAY for FFCMH! I am so thankful that I am a part of an organization that provides education on speaking with legislators and feeling empowered about sharing our message with them. This education will make my meeting with Congressman John Shimkus tomorrow the most effective visit possible. Without this education and encouragement, I would not have felt capable of achieving this activity. Once again, thank you FFCMH for being there for me and my family!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

It's Time for the 22nd Annual Federation Conference

This week, families and youth will be heading to DC for the Federation of Families annual conference. I'm looking very forward to it because the event is referred to fondly as a "homecoming" for all of the Federation members. This organization was formed by family members who understood the need for peer support, stigma reduction, and continued funding for children's mental health.

Being a member of FFCMH and having the opportunity to tell others about what they do is an amazing experience, and anyone is welcome to do just that. I am so honored that the organization has posted information on their website about my efforts as Mrs. Midwest -- but my work for them is a heart-felt campaign and I appreciate the parents and youth like me and my family that ffcmh works so hard to support.

Today in DC, I am participating in the Parent Support Provider Institute that is being held by FFCMH. The goal of the institute today is to bring national recognition of creating a certification for those who work in the role of a parent support person, ie called a Parent Support Provider. The information today will help to prepare those who wish to take the steps toward certifcation.

There are so many events scheduled this week and I can't wait to report all of the excitement that this conference brings to the promotion of children's mental health.
More info to come soon...

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Why should there be family driven care and family run organizations with children's mental health programs?

     In order to make children's mental health treatment effective, it is important to take into consideration the needs of the entire family. Why? Because if the logistics of the treatment services are not manageable for the family, or treatment options are too limited, there is a high probability that there will be no way for the family to follow through for the child's recovery. Hence, there's the development of family driven care, which means that families are included in the child's treatment planning. Family members are encouraged to give their input about what works for their particular family life, including cultural considerations, which helps to guide/educate the service providers. All families have needs unique to them and their services should match those needs.
     But how do families learn to ask for family driven and youth guided care in their services? Through their family-run organizations! Family-run organizations not only provide education for families about services, but they provide peer support, personal empowerment, and a strong force for changing policies and legislation regarding children's mental health. The Federation of Families for Children's Mental Health is the national body that helps to unify local and state chapters of family organizations. The FFCMH provides a directory of all these available organizations so that you can find one near you.
     My local family organization is called PACE (Parent And Caregivers Empowered) and I am thankful for the information and support that I can receive there. In a regular monthly PACE meeting, a designated speaker provides information useful to families while allowing time to let families connect with each other and encourage them in the difficulties or successes they may be experiencing. Every chapter functions a little differently depending on the needs of the families that participate. Even though I have knowledge about children's mental health as a therapist, it still helps to know that I have support as a mom and family member. 
     If you would like more information about what it is like to participate in a family run organization, or if you need help learning about family driven care for your child, contact me at greenribbonadvocate@gmail.com or check out the Federation of Families website at www.ffcmh.org.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Make A Difference Day Plans?

          Make A Difference Day is right around the corner... this Saturday, October 22 in fact! Do you happen to have your volunteer service planned? If not, there is still time. You can go to www.makeadifferenceday.com just to find out more about the national movement or you can go to http://daytabank.handsonnetwork.org/ to find a project close to you that can use you as a volunteer on Saturday. It's a great feeling to know you are helping others and the best part is that it is contagious -- so go out and spread the contagion!
          I'll be participating in the Egyptian Health Department & Fowler-Bonan Foundation Event called Suds & Smiles. The goal is to collect hygiene supplies and cleaning products for children and families who need them. What a great idea! Right now, there are collection bins all over the three counties in Illinois that Egyptian serves and all of those bins will be brought to the Health Department location in Eldorado on Saturday between 8am -12pm. If you want to make a donation of your own, just bring it anytime that morning. WEBQ radio station will be at the event doing a live remote and talking with the volunteers that are helping make a difference. It's going to be a great morning and I am just sure that the collected items are going to surpass the collections last year. It just keeps growing and I am so glad to be a part of it!

Friday, May 6, 2011

National Children's Mental Health Awareness Day - May 3, 2011

Thanks so much to WSIL TV 3 for the interview and supporting awareness about Children's Mental Health.
Click to see Interview...

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Wear Green!

      Tuesday, May 3rd is National Children's Mental Health Awareness Day and I'll be wearing green! Why? It's the color that proudly says "I support Children's Mental Health." This year, SAMHSA is focusing on trauma and resiliency in children's mental health, but creating awareness and spreading the message of diagnosis and treatment is equally important.
     Statistics show that a child you know (1 in 5 children) has an undiagnosed mental health disorder that will impede academic success and social growth. Most mental health issues can be treated or managed as effectively as diabetes or asthma -- however, the stigma of a mental health label prevents many parents from seeking treatment.
     That's what has to change and it's up to ALL of us. No more judgement. No more pity. No more avoidance of the issue or the person. Encouragement is what helps. Support is what produces change. And acceptance is the foundation of it all. Educate yourself about children's mental health disorders and awareness day by visiting www.samhsa.gov/children. And... WEAR GREEN!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

In the Spirit of Love and Pagentry...

     A young woman by the name of Jenna Harner, age 20, combined two very strong forces in her life to create a unique gift for women in need. Those two strong forces were her love for pageantry and the love she has for Angel's Cove of The Illinois Baptist Children's Home and Family Services. Jenna has competed in area pageants over the last few years and is a definite success. She also has a sister whom she loves very dearly that was adopted by her parents through Angel's Cove. Combining the two meant creating a pageant called the Illinois Snow Angels Pageant which would donate all proceeds to Angel's Cove. If you are like me, you're probably thinking 'what an amazing young lady' -- and let me tell you, she is beyond amazing.


    The inaugural Illinois Snow Angel Pageant crowned two 2010 winners on December 5. Miss Illinois Snow Angel  is Tabitha Lirely and Miss Teen Illinois Snow Angel is Olivia Gordon. A total of 21 very gorgeous and sweet young ladies competed for these titles. AND... in addition, the pageant raised a total of $2,500.00 to be donated to Angel's Cove in Mt. Vernon, Illinois.

     Meeting Jenna has been a true blessing for me. The way in which we met was by only God's design which I marvel at most often. Jenna and I had never met, but through Facebook, Jenna sent me a message asking that I please consider agreeing to serving as the pageant emcee. Of course, my thought immediately was yes because of my love for pageants, but as I read more of her message about the benefit of the pageant I actually couldn't type a message back to her fast enough to say YES! OF COURSE! The amazing part of the entire situation is that Illinois Baptist Children's Home is very near and dear to my own heart and my own life's work - and Angel's Cove is part of their ministry. For the two of us to connect and have the same forces in life driving us is something only the Lord could orchestrate.
     Congratulations Jenna on a pageant well done. Can't wait to do it again!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Welborn Baptist Foundation Dinner

The Welborn Baptist Foundation serves counties in Southwestern Indiana, Southeastern Illinois, and Western Kentucky and has awarded a total of seventy-four grants to area not-for-profit organizations, totaling approximately $3.24 million for programs within the Foundation's target areas of Promotion of Early Childhood Development, Promotion of Healthy Adolescent Development, Faith-Based Initiatives, Improvements in Commuity Health Status and School-Based Health Programs.

Being an award recipient of this foundation is an extremely high honor. Our children's grade school is an award winner this year and is participating in the HEROES (Healthy, Energetic, Ready, Outstanding, Enthusiastic, Schools) Coordinated School Health Initiative. Paul and I are proud to serve on the local committee for the grant and were fortunate in being selected to attend the awards ceremony held on November 9, 2010. I was also able to spend time with good friend and fellow therapist, Elizabeth Tharp, who is now a part of the Foundation serving as their Evaluator for funded programs. In the short time that NCO Grade School has had in participating already, some very great changes are in the works for a healthier school and community -- adults and children alike.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Celebrate Freedom

In April 2010, I was fortunate to be asked to particapte in a production called "Celebrate Freedom" written and directed by Mike Phelps. It takes a look over the years at the various events in America's history that show cause for celebration regarding the men and women who have fought for our rights as a nation. My role, along with two friends, Courtney Neal and Gretchen Sutton, was to portray The Andrews Sisters and to perform their famous song Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy. We had an absolutely fabulous time being in character but also in appreciating the depth of emotion surrounding so many of the scenes portrayed in "Celebrate Freedom". With today being Veteran's Day, I felt it was a perfect opportunity to share this video that I neglected to post earlier in the year. Thank you to our Veteran's for our ability to celebrate everyday!