I've been doing my homework on the details of the ACA, and also spent time this evening with 4 current and 1 previous state directors of FFCMH chapters, talking about all of the great things happening for children and families with mental health needs. I'm excited to do my part in sharing information about the ACA and making sure that it keeps youth and families in the drivers seat when it comes to services that are right for each individual -- not 'cookie cutter' therapy.
Thanks to another great children's mental health advocate, Brittany Smith of Build Social,as she pointed me in the direction of a great informational video that outlines the ACA so that we can all understand the details better. Be sure to take a look. http://kff.org/health-reform/video/health-reform-hits-main-street/
A photo from dinner this evening with one of my new advocate friends, Kathy Holsopple, | Vermont State FFCMH Director |